Jaars Center


Read the latest on our work to make Bible translation possible, all over the world.
Saving Time

To a pilot, especially one serving in Papua New Guinea (PNG), time is important. Helicopter pilots can have eight to 10 travel legs a day,…

Aviation is More than Aircraft

For Kay Smoes, a literacy and education consultant in training who also does trauma healing and spiritual retreats in Cameroon, aviation is more than just…

Better Safe Than Sorry!

When Brian Rickard, the maritime operations and standards manager at JAARS, was 14, he went on a trip with Teen Missions International (TMI) to Honduras.…

It Has More Meaning

After months of delays due to COVID-19 restrictions, visa issues, and scheduling difficulties, Lauren Runia was finally able to host the advanced media training for…

Reclaiming Our Roots

Every so often, healthy organizations update things like logos to better represent who they are, what they value, what they actually do, and why that…

A Bridge Through the Jungle

After receiving training at JAARS as a pilot-mechanic, Jeremiah Diedrich went with his family to serve with SIL Brazil, a JAARS aviation partner, in 2006.…

They Felt the Story in their Bones

Willem and Esther Van De Bruinhorst are Scripture Engagement workers for the Aitape West project in Papua New Guinea (PNG). They work with 11 language…

Good Stewards

In the midst of honking horns and street vendors selling their wares in Yaoundé, Cameroon, the Cameroon Association for Bible Translation and Literacy (CABTAL) faithfully…

Putting the Pressure On

For Gabe Lawrence, the dream of being a missionary pilot has been years in the making. It began in a community church he attended as…