Jaars Center


Read the latest on our work to make Bible translation possible, all over the world.
What’s Your Passion?

Why would 30 people from as far west as Oregon, as far northeast as New Hampshire, and as far south as Florida congregate in Waxhaw,…

An Accelerator for Bible Translation

The send/receive function in Paratext—the main Bible translation software—stopped working for Maya*, a translator, for several months. This Paratext feature is important because it stores…

Elephant-Tusk Music

Under the sun’s scorching heat, men sway in a circle playing fung anwan, elephant tusks, while women in vibrant skirts dance between them, singing amidst…

Jesus Went to Jerusalem

Only God can reach down into the dark places of the soul and remake passionate people for himself. Carl and Carole Harrison served as Bible…

I Spy…

I spy… a warehouse crowded with towers of boxes! Welcome to the JAARS Purchasing and Shipping warehouse, where a game of I Spy could last…

Keep the Light Burning

Burnout. Like a star that burns brilliantly for years but then flickers and snuffs out, many mission workers’ lights threaten to extinguish due to the…

The Delegation

Nate Gordon, a JAARS-trained pilot who serves with our partner YAJASI in Papua Indonesia, couldn’t sleep. Even though he was bone-tired from the long hike…

Paradise on Earth

“I never thought I would leave my comfort zone to do missionary work like this, even though I’m not a missionary overseas,” Beatrice relates about…

A Land of Spiritual Desolation

Sometimes silence masks the most capable souls. Jim, who works for one of JAARS partner organizations, discovered this truth during a ten-day workshop in South…