Jaars Center


Read the latest on our work to make Bible translation possible, all over the world.
More Than Landing on the Side of a Mountain

The JAARS Aviation pre-field orientation (PFO) is a “master’s degree” training program for mission pilots and mechanics preparing to serve the Lord overseas. This 16-week…

A JAARS Love Story

Clyde and Arlene’s relationship wasn’t exactly ‘love at first sight’, but it was, and still is, powerful nonetheless. It began with a newfound love of…

How Long Will They Wait?

The soil of the hearts of the Zande people who live in the Pazande region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) are ready…

A Match Made in Heaven

It was a match made in Heaven, encompassing three countries. Jeyson Braun, though Brazilian, was born and raised in Ecuador. His parents had moved there…

No More Interruptions!

How much work could you get done with constant interruptions? The SIL* Congo meeting room in Brazzaville, Congo, is an important hub for four translation…

Hearts of Gold

Mountains ensconced with carpets of green, skies bursting with rainbows, and waterfalls shedding jeweled water drops: the tableau of beautiful Papua, Indonesia. But even more…

From Death to Life

Pishtu,* the name of a language and district in South Asia where 35 people groups live, means ‘a place where people die of severe fog.’…

A Cow and a Book

The Samburu people in Kenya, Africa, say that in the beginning their god created a Samburu person, a cow, and a book. While the Samburu…

A Letter From JAARS President Woody McLendon Concerning COVID-19

    Together we are watching a global pandemic of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 impact our world at an increasingly rapid rate. For many the…