Jaars Center


Read the latest on our work to make Bible translation possible, all over the world.
Tracking Every Movement

Back in 2007, Tim McIntosh, now the director of JAARS Maritime Department, began working with SIL Papua New Guinea (PNG) as an administrator for their…

God’s Vessels

Children’s eyes grow wide as the JAARS helicopter emerges from the cotton-puff clouds in the cornflower-blue sky overhead. The children point up and gasp as…

Preparing a Delicious Meal

Drew Maust is, in some ways, a chef. As a translation consultant in Cameroon, he helps three Bible translation teams prepare life-sustaining ‘meals’ for their…

What Are You Tied Into?

The Motilon people in the jungles of Colombia, didn’t have a word for ‘faith’. Every night, far above the jungle floor, they tied themselves into…

LIstening for the Call

Richard Shipman, a writer on the JAARS Communications team, has a diverse up-in-the-air background in aviation. So how did he ever land at JAARS?  Richard…

The Message He Carries

God has begun wooing Abi* and Fani*, two Ayri* people in Africa, to himself through his marvelous message of love. Like many others in this…

God’s Perfect Timing*

Sometimes in life, we have time to research decisions carefully before making them. Other times, we have a split second to make a decision, important…

Two Places to Call Home

Unlike most boys his age, Shay Burgess has two places to call home. He is what we at JAARS affectionately call a TCK, or Third-Culture…

Together We Can

Lyle Wyse, a JAARS-trained aircraft mechanic, spent most of his 33 years of service in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Now he and his wife have…