Your partnership enables the unreached to receive the gospel

Emma, an Isnag woman, holds her new copy of the entire Isnag Bible.

Now—forty seven years since the translation of their New Testament began—the Isnag people in the Philippines have the whole Bible in their language! “They were so glad to get the copies of the Bible,” Rudy Barlaan, one of the translators, said. “Once they got it, they sat down and opened and read right away, the old and the kids.” 

In the early days, JAARS pilots flew Rudy to the village where he translated. “JAARS was indispensable at that time for us because there were no roads,” Rudy recalled. “If we went by land, it would take us two days to get to the village. But with the planes and the helicopters, it made it a lot easier. It only took 55 minutes by plane.”

Today, many people are still waiting for God’s Word in their language. JAARS has identified three areas within central Africa and Melanesia that are still unreached simply because of their remote locations. Partner with us by giving to Where Needed Most so we can deliver the gospel to these people!