Flights That Heal Hearts … and Bodies

In the summer of 2016 my family and I were stationed at Mbingo Baptist Hospital in Cameroon where I was serving with World Medical Mission as an obstetrician-gynecologist. We were...

How the Lord…

YAJASI—a JAARS partner in Indonesia—flies Bible translation, humanitarian, and medical missions throughout Papua. Mechanics who can keep their aircraft flying are always scarce, which makes…

“If There is…

“My name is Micah Poffenberger,” the letter began. “I am very glad about what JAARS does, and I pray for JAARS every day. I am…

The How and…

Can you guess how many different languages there are in the world? You’re probably sitting at your computer or with your phone in hand, mentally…

Regional Spotlight: Asia

Marco Polo, Venetian merchant and adventurer, traveled from Europe to Asia from 1271 to 1295. His famous book, The Travels of Marco Polo, described his…

New Leaders are…

Plans for Wycliffe Global Alliance’s New Leaders Orientation conference in June of this year were in place. Arrangements for the venue in Nairobi, Kenya, were…

God’s Word Speaks—and…

The small crowd gathered in the “K” village was raptly watching the JESUS film. The faces on the screen looked unfamiliar, but the words from…