Jaars Center


Read the latest on our work to make Bible translation possible, all over the world.
VBS on Steroids

Children all around the room raised their hands during the JAARS Summer Safari program as Becca Segers, who was sharing that day’s morning devotion, asked…

Why Another App?

Josh Eicholtz, a JAARS-trained pilot-mechanic, serves in Papua New Guinea (PNG) with our aviation partner, SIL PNG. He wondered why the pilots needed another app…

God of Big Dreams

While most people come to JAARS to serve, JAARS went to Nard Pugyao. As a youth, Nard helped clear an airstrip for his village in…

Their Crowning Achievement

Before the birds fill the mountain air with their songs and the sun throws its warm golden rays across the sky, three JAARS Pre-Field Orientation…

Celebrating with an Elephant

The elephant is the biggest of all the forest animals where the Mono people live in the northwestern part of the Democratic Republic of the…

Far-Flung People

Last spring, several members of the land transportation team at JAARS encountered some serious pandemic roadblocks. JAARS had provided motorcycles to a Bible translation partner…

Life Upsets

Sometimes, during tough experiences in life, our eyes are on the changing circumstances around us, when what we really need to do is keep our…

No Longer Just a Number

Would you wake up at 3 a.m. for your job? Ester did for about two weeks. Part of her new role with the JAARS Scripture…

Six Clinics, Six Villages, Six Days

Many people living in Cameroon’s remote villages receive medical care only when medical professionals arrange for a visit. Thankfully, a Baptist hospital sends staff out…