You help provide much-needed maintenance specialists for the field

Three young men from three different countries came to JAARS for the same reason—to serve unreached people overseas. These young men—Liam Roffey, Josh Hamilton, and Zac—are aircraft maintenance specialists. In August, they will join four experienced JAARS maintenance specialists in Papua New Guinea (PNG) to help work on some of SIL-PNG’s* fleet for a month.

There is currently a huge shortage of maintenance specialists at JAARS and on the field. According to Paul Stewart, the maintenance manager for SIL-PNG, “[Our organization] is critically low on aircraft mechanics, and there are some larger projects that we keep putting off due to lack of manpower. They require specialized skills that many of our mechanics don’t have. This [JAARS] team comes with supervisors who have the specialized skills that we need plus the manpower to get the work accomplished.”  

This team will enable SIL-PNG to serve more people with their aircraft!

The JAARS team will modify an aircraft to fly past its 5,000-hour limit, upgrade its sheet metal, and install new flight control cables and windows.  

These young men come with limited experience, so to prepare them for the work in August, JAARS offered them the PT-6 engine course and the Kodiak course. “I’ve learned so much,” Josh said.

Liam had never touched a Kodiak before. “So I [went] through this training to understand how the Kodiak works and all the different things that [can be] wrong with it, so that when I get to Papua New Guinea, I’ll be more useful.”

Without maintenance specialists, the aircraft in PNG and elsewhere couldn’t keep flying, so we are thankful for these young men’s willingness to serve the Lord.

When you give to Where Needed Most, you enable JAARS to train pilots and maintenance specialists to ease our partners’ burdens overseas.

*A translation partner of JAARS

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