Good News

These stacks of boxes contain freshly printed New Testaments in the language of the Jarawara people group of the Amazon rainforest. For the five years that we lived and served...

The Lie of…

During my time living in Saut, I frequently walked with friends around the perimeter of the village, gazing off into the distance and observing other…

Touchdown Zone: Yawan

Airstrip: Yawan Region: Papua New Guinea Surface: Grass/Clay Elevation: 4,600 feet Length: 475 meters/1,558 feet Width: 19 meters/62 feet Slope: 12% Interesting fact: The Tree Kangaroo…

A Really Big…

Remember that saying: Good things come in small packages?  Some good things come in really big packages. In a time when many dreams have been…


Christmas has always felt a certain way for me. It’s always been cold, or at least cool, and most of the time I’m hoping for…


It was a typical Papua New Guinea Highlands morning with lots of fog and clouds, and we were preparing to take a Bible translator family…

To Go In…

Perfect love drives out fear. —John the Apostle I had five passengers and two stops to make. I’d just landed at an airstrip in Fayu…