Jaars Center


Read the latest on our work to make Bible translation possible, all over the world.
The Hard Places

Thunder throbs, rain races, and lightning leaps across the students’ and leaders’ faces as they watch, entranced, as the man dressed in a blue, knee-length…

Turn the Light On

We take it for granted every time we turn on a light or charge our phones—instant electricity. But Bible translators in many remote locations of…

Confidence 101

Avionics technician Daniel Jezowski had attended training at JAARS as an pre-field orientee before, but this last time, he spent two months here as a…

Complete Strangers

Sometimes God laces the lives of people together in ways we never would have predicted. Jim and Yasuf* were complete strangers God used to extend…

Divine Appointments

Abigail, a high schooler, and her eighth grade brother, Benjamin, were about ready to give up. They were looking for a mission trip that didn’t…

Sharpening Their Skills

Some people serve God by translating the Bible. Others serve him by giving up their fields for mission pilots-in-training to land on. For about 40…

Nomads for Jesus

“Wait, not yet,” God told Beth Ervin when she prayed in college about teaching missionary kids overseas. So she taught in Christian schools in Ohio…

One Touch of a Button

Can a small, hand-held device really help save someone’s life? A personal locator beacon did just that. John and Marjo Brownie have been living on…

Against All Odds

How do you show your neighbors that Jesus loves them? Our aviation partner in Cameroon recently hoped to do this when they planned an event…