Jaars Center


Read the latest on our work to make Bible translation possible, all over the world.
Getting Out of the Driveway

For Nina and Richard DeVreese, driving down their driveway in Guatemala is an adventure. They serve with a JAARS partner, Paradise Bound Ministries (PBM), sharing…

The Last 12 Years

Back in 2008, Rick*, a staff member for the JAARS partner SIL, gave a presentation on the value of publishing Scripture on the internet.  He…


Editor’s Note:  Enjoy this guest post by Kenny Grindall, who works with our partner SIL. JAARS helped fund the rewiring of the network in the…

Sense of Adventure

Olivia has had several jobs over the years, but many of them have had one theme in common—they have all been adventurous. Twenty-five-year-old Olivia has…

When Upsets Don’t Have to be Upsetting

Somewhere in the skies over St. Augustine, Florida, JAARS pilot Rachael Stoner found her aircraft buffeting heavily in a steep dive with more than a…

The Best They Can Be

Try to think of the best teacher you have ever had. What made him or her so good? Instead of lecturing, the teacher probably interacted…

Where Your Mission Takes Flight

Imagine taking the controls of an airplane for the first time, hearing inspiring stories of men and women who have done and are doing what…

Travel by Ox Cart

When it rains in parts of Chad in north-central Africa, the dirt roads become rivers. A translation team returning from inviting a church to participate…

One Step at a Time

Nine families from at least four states and South Korea have followed the Lord one step at a time to leave their homes and serve…