Many young professionals called into mission aviation today want to make a difference—to give access to the gospel to people who have never heard it in their language. But after they have earned pilot licenses and/or aircraft mechanic certifications, they are frustrated by an additional years-long process. 

They must either gain more experience or raise their own financial support, or both—delaying their service overseas and the opportunity for people at the ends of the earth to hear the gospel. 

With your help, JAARS wants to cover the gap between their lack of experience and their readiness to fruitfully serve overseas. Through our new Apprentice program, we will provide on-the-job training that will equip a cohort of six pilots and six maintenance specialists to serve overseas. They will be ready to make a difference only a few years after receiving their certifications. 

Each apprentice will receive an individualized training plan so that after two years, they’re ready for deployment to one of our remote hubs. 

Because apprentices will be going to the literal ends of the earth, to places that are spiritually dark, we will also prepare them spiritually and culturally. They will attend our Intercultural Communication Course, receive safety and security training, language acquisition, and one-on-one discipling so they can thrive on the mission field. 

With your help, we’ll be able to provide each carefully selected apprentice with: 

  • a family stipend 
  • housing 
  • healthcare 
  • aviation training 


The total needed is about $55,000 per Apprentice per year, or about $660,000 per year for the full program. Your gifts to Air Operations will enable more people to have access to God’s Word!