Equipped for the Task
“What is my value?” This question filled my mind as my husband began Aviation Pre-Field Orientation. You see I have a degree in elementary education but I also have three little girls, all under the age of five.
I had heard that most of my time overseas would be spent just living. Chances are I wouldn’t be able to teach anytime soon. It was almost like Bryan would get the ministry and I would get the load. This was how I felt at the BEGINNING of Aviation Orientation! Before I attended the Aviation Wives Orientation Course.
Pictured clockwise from top left are leaders Nancy Ramsdale and Penny Tallman with wives and their intended area of service, Corinne Sahl (Cameroon), Cia Haumeny (Indonesia), Lori Jones (PNG), Anna Toews (Alaska with Mission Aviation Repair Center) and Sarah Baughman (Brazil).
During the course of aviation orientation, the orientee wives met every Monday to hear from a team of women who’ve served on the field and have specialties to share. Some topics included Inductive Bible Study, Mental Health, Healing from Trauma, Children’s Education Resources, Medical Advice, Partnership Development Tips, and Haircutting. Through this I’ve concluded that, as wives, we have MANY roles! We may not have a title because we do so much there’s not enough room on our prayer cards to list all our titles! We are extremely valuable!
We also had the opportunity to take some instruction in driving a 4WD vehicle. Because of the rugged road conditions common in the places where we plan to serve, knowing how to drive a 4WD will come in handy!
The wealth of knowledge we’ve gained in the wives’ orientation sessions, along with the 4WD training, at JAARS is invaluable. Because they invested in us, we are now more prepared to have a successful ministry in the places we are headed. Oh yeah, we have a ministry! I’ve learned that as I take care of my family—my first mission field—I not only minister to them, but others see it and are blessed. When my priorities are straight, I am able to minister to a much broader group than just my family.
I don’t need a title. I trust that God will use my witness in whatever I’m doing to point those around me, especially those in Papua New Guinea, to Christ.
“A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies” (Proverbs 31:10).