Cheaper By the Dozen

Ingenuity, innovation, and hard work to solve challenging engineering problems is what the JAARS machine shop is all about.  Read how they helped YAJASI, our aviation partner in Papua, Indonesia...

Working Remotely

Many people around the world have recently learned what it is like to work remotely. As translators Paul and Pip Etherington worked from home in…

Unexpected Breakdown…Unexpected Fruit!

Recently, Fred Leman undertook a special helicopter mission to the Narak language community to deliver a load of newly printed “tok ples” (local language) dictionaries…

Touch Down Zone:…

Airstrip: O* Surface: Grass Elevation: 1,800 feet Length: 430 meters/1,411 feet Width: 15 meters/49 feet Slope: 0% Interesting Facts:  O sits in a mountain valley…


We see God’s faithfulness clearly displayed in the lives of Syd and Nola Johnsen. They arrived in Indonesia in 1990 and have faithfully served the…

Living in Limbo…

My wife, Molly, and I have been delayed quite a long time waiting to return to Indonesia. That delay in 2020 was mostly due to…

The Muddiest I…

The extreme northern part of Brazil is an amazing place of mountains, rivers, waterfalls, and, of course, the Amazon rainforest. It provides spectacular scenery, but…