Jaars Center


Read the latest on our work to make Bible translation possible, all over the world.
Connected by One Desire

Across two continents and three cities, one desire connected seven people: to build websites that share God’s Word in the languages people in the Republic…

To Go in Peace* 

Perfect love drives out fear. —John the Apostle Nate Gordon—a JAARS-trained pilot who was serving with YAJASI, our mission aviation partner in Papua, Indonesia—had five…

Just Another Day

Landing a helicopter on a soccer field in remote Nubogeta village on tiny Gumawana Island in the midst of the vast glittering Pacific Ocean is…

Nothing is Impossible

The Kiri* people live in hilly areas of South Asia where elephants and other wildlife often destroy their huts and farmland. The Kiri live in…

Stepping Stones

Even when it wasn’t obvious to Tracy Tooley, God was putting different people and places in her life to guide her to JAARS, where she…

Flying in the Clouds

If you’ve ever been stuck in a blinding snowstorm, you know the dangers of not being able to see clearly when you drive. How helpful…

Sharpening the Axe

Maria Cruzat had hoped to be in the Philippines in 2020, conducting health research. Instead, God led her to JAARS.  As a college senior with…

Stormy Weather

Since 2010, Pastor Lucas* felt called by God to work among the Ayri* people—99 percent of whom follow a major world religion. Obeying the Lord,…

A New Way of Doing Business

Mission pilot-mechanic Bryan Jones was unsure about his future when he returned to JAARS after serving in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Unexpectedly (and perhaps according…