In Just a Few Days!

By Rachel Greco

Palm fronds wave and glassy water ripples at the wind’s gentle touch. Honiara in the Solomon Islands is a lush, tropical town, but Jeremiah, Willie, Theresa, George, and Robert Mark did not come there for vacation. They came to learn the skills of Scripture video dubbing, dramatized Bible audio recording, making Scripture apps and basic video editing and subtitling.

Runias and the course participants

“God’s Word is reaching the ears, eyes and hearts of many spiritually hungry people throughout the islands of the Pacific,” Lauren and Connie Runia excitedly share. They have trained teams the last few years in this part of the world to share God’s Word via media forms to oral-focused cultures.  

According to Cynthia Rollins, the Scripture Use Facilitator in Honiara, “Since the Solomon Islands are an oral-based culture, audio recordings are well-received and valued by the people.” Listening to audio recordings and watching movies in language adds value to the local language and encourages the use of Scripture in daily life.

Learning the recording software

The five participants who attended the training in the Solomon Islands completed two projects. They produced a dramatized recording of the book of Ruth in the Roviana language. Then they added sound effects and music and created an app that plays recorded Scripture from the book of Ruth. The Roviana readers were ecstatic and amazed that the team was able to create an app to put on their phones in just a few days!

The team learned how to produce videos

The team also dubbed part of the Genesis video–A Wife for Isaac—in the Pijin language, one of the widely used languages in the Solomon Islands. “The team did a great job coaching the readers and getting the recorded part to lip-sync well with the picture!” Lauren Runia shares. At the Solomon Islands training center, the team showed the completed video to a group of over 30 people, who all responded enthusiastically to a job well done.

“One of the most beneficial aspects of our time together,” Lauren says, “was looking at where God is calling the team as they move forward from here.” One of the participants, Jeremiah, utilized his leadership skills to help plan for the future. He has a vision for how God can use this media ministry to advance his kingdom in the Solomon Islands.

Practicing recording

Through our partners’ generosity, JAARS provided equipment for this team’s recording work, travel and accommodation for Lauren and Connie, and help with Jeremiah’s expenses.

JAARS isn’t located in a seaside, tropical town, yet it offers many opportunities to make a difference for eternity. Consider serving at the JAARS Center this summer or next to spread God’s kingdom to the Solomon Islands and beyond.

Click here for a list of serving opportunities at the JAARS campus.