Your support sends God’s Word out faster and easier!

For the first time, the Guahibo people in Colombia have access to God’s Word in their own language in both print and digital format!

Sandra, a media consultant for an organization in Colombia, created the Guahibo New Testament app with the help of Dan who works with our Scripture website partner funded by people like you giving to Media Solutions.

A Guahibo man uses the new app.

Sandra chose images that were representative of the people—images that said, “This is Guahibo.”

Once the images and text were complete, Sandra sent the app to Dan. He made sure everything looked like it should before enabling them to upload the app to his organization’s digital library.

Five minutes after the app was installed on their phones, the Guahibo were sending it to people in Venezuela and other places in Colombia. To reach those places from the team’s office would have required 48 hours of driving. Instead, these people had the app—the entire New Testament in their language—in 10 or 15 seconds!


These people had the app—the entire New Testament in their language—in 10 or 15 seconds!