You help keep their power flowing

What do a church in the Czech Republic, JAARS, and Tanzania, have in common?

They all want to keep teams drafting Scripture at the translation offices in Tanzania.

Steve Pence, IT manager in Tanzania, recently experienced some mysterious Ethernet cabling issues. Cables failed, causing printers to stop working. Translators couldn’t print translation drafts for checking.

The entire network could fail unless all cables were replaced.

Steve got in touch with Marcel, a Czech IT technician. Marcel and his brother Samuel—with help from their church, Marcel’s company, and JAARS—traveled to Tanzania and replaced 500 yards of cable.

Marcel and Samuel hard at work rewiring the translation office in Tanzania.

“They brought special tools and lots of experience,” Steve explains. “Now our network infrastructure should last many years and see us through [finishing the] the remaining Mbeya languages that are still waiting for God’s Word.”

You can help the remaining Mbeya people groups learn about the God who loves them by giving to Technology Solutions.