Create a Safe Place for MKs
We will love, listen, encourage, disciple, and mentor them.
Celebrate Missionary and TCK Cultures
We will encourage healthy transitions through seminars, debriefing, and/or consultation, valuing different cultures around the world, and including new arrivals.
Promote Family Unity
We will recognize and augment the God-given responsibility parents have in raising their kids as well as provide opportunities to include the entire family in activities.
Contribute to MKs’ Spiritual Development
We will provide opportunities to study the Word, engage in prayer, worship together, and serve others.
Provide Leadership Opportunities
We will provide opportunities for students to be discipled and mentored in leadership roles to serve others and share the love of Jesus.
Assist Parents and MKs
We will strive to provide resources and opportunities to learn more about MKs/TCKs and their unique challenges and giftings.